April 2025

Sunday, April 13

Fish Fry Fundraiser & Baked goods Auction

Leader: Student Ministry

Time: 5pm – 7pm

Pine Street Baptist Church: 611 W. Pine Street, Winnsboro, TX US 75494

Join us for another Delicious Fish Fry and let our student ministry serve you.              

We will have donation buckets around to raise some funds to help our students get to camp this summer. and Pies and Cakes to Auction. We want to help them get fully submerged in the word of God. We will be taking them to Stuart, Oklahoma for Camp W.O.W. 

April 2025

June 2025

Monday, June 23, 2025 - Friday, June 27, 2025

Youth Camp: Camp W.O.W

We are taking youth camp to Stuart, Oklahoma this year for Camp W.O.W

Grade 7th - 12th are welcome, sign up's going on now in the student Center.
$100 deposit due by May 21st.

Monday, June 23, 2025 - Friday, June 27, 2025

Youth Camp: Camp W.O.W

We are taking youth camp to Stuart, Oklahoma this year for Camp W.O.W

Grade 7th - 12th are welcome, sign up's going on now in the student Center.
$100 deposit due by May 21st.

Monday, June 23, 2025 - Friday, June 27, 2025

Youth Camp: Camp W.O.W

We are taking youth camp to Stuart, Oklahoma this year for Camp W.O.W

Grade 7th - 12th are welcome, sign up's going on now in the student Center.
$100 deposit due by May 21st.

Monday, June 23, 2025 - Friday, June 27, 2025

Youth Camp: Camp W.O.W

We are taking youth camp to Stuart, Oklahoma this year for Camp W.O.W

Grade 7th - 12th are welcome, sign up's going on now in the student Center.
$100 deposit due by May 21st.

Friday, June 27

Youth Camp: Camp W.O.W

We are taking youth camp to Stuart, Oklahoma this year for Camp W.O.W

Grade 7th - 12th are welcome, sign up's going on now in the student Center.
$100 deposit due by May 21st.

June 2025

July 2025

Friday, July 11, 2025, 7:45am - Monday, July 14, 2025, 10:45am

R.A. Camp - Lakeview

Cost: $200.00

When: July 11-14, 2025

Where: Lakeview Baptist Assembly
Lonestar, Texas

Cost: Total cost of camp is $200. We will be having a fundraiser that SHOULD cover the cost of camp or a large part of it depending on the number of students attending. Each camper will ve responsible for the $25 deposit (Paid by NO LATER THAN APRIL 30) Along with camp registration and T-Shirt Form. After we get the total we will let you know is any additional funds for camp will be due.

We will meet at the church at 7:45 A.M. July 11th and will return July 14th around 10:45 A.M. (We will call on the way home to let you know exactly when we will be arriving.)

Please join the camp remind which is separate from the RA remind - Text @raca to 81010 We will be sending out reminders and new camp information through remind and our FB page PSBC Ambassadors. Please have access to one of these forms of communication as plans can change at the last minute.

Cell service is spotty at Lakeview and the boys will be very busy, so cell phones will only be permitted at certain times at camp to call home. If their is an emergency and you need to reach your child please call Jason McMillian 903-521-4293 and he will get back with you as soon as possible. If you need IMMEDIATE assistance and Jason does not respond please call Lakeview directly at 903-656-3871.

Camp will be a little different this year as the girls mission camp will be the same time, but the only time they will be together is at worship and the dinning hall. Activities will all be separate. NO Sack lunch will be needed this year - the dinning hall will be open.

• Twin sized bedding / Sleeping bag & Pillow
• Towels for bathing and Swimming
• Soap, Shampoo, Toothbrush, Toothpaste
• Sun Screen & Bug Spray
• Water Shoes
• Swimsuit
• Tennis Shoes (NOT sandles, lots of walking)
• Clothes Pajamas
• Rod and Reel
• Snacks
• Flashlights
• Spending money for gift shop (opional)
• Bible & Pen
• Offering for camp missionaries

Friday, July 11, 2025, 7:45am - Monday, July 14, 2025, 10:45am

G.A. Camp - Lakeview

Cost: $200.00

Camp registration and parent meeting April 9th!
When: July 11-14, 2025
Where: Lakeview Baptist Assembly Lonestar, Texas
Cost: Total cost of camp is $200. We will be having a fundraiser that SHOULD cover the cost of camp or a large part of it depending on the number of students attending. Each camper will be responsible for the $25 deposit (Paid by NO LATER THAN APRIL 30) Along with camp registration and T-Shirt Form. After we get the total, we will let you know if any additional funds for camp will be due.
We will meet at the church at 7:45 A.M. July 11th and will return July 14th around 10:45 A.M. (We will call on the way home to let you know exactly when we will be arriving.)
Please have access to one of these forms of communication as plans can change at the last minute.
Cell service is spotty at Lakeview, and the girls will be very busy, so cell phones will only be permitted at certain times at camp to call home. If there is an emergency and you need to reach your child, please call Krystal Coleman (903) 570-7433, and she will get back to you as soon as possible. If you need IMMEDIATE assistance and Krystal does not respond, please call Lakeview directly at 903-656-3871.
Camp will be a little different this year as the R.A. Mission camp will be the same time, but the only time they will be together is at worship and the dining hall. Activities will all be separate. NO Sack lunch will be needed this year - the dining hall will be open.
• Twin sized bedding / sleeping bag & Pillow
• Towels for bathing and swimming
• Soap, Shampoo, Toothbrush, Toothpaste
• Sun Screen & Bug Spray
• Water Shoes
• Swimsuit
• Tennis Shoes (NOT sandles, lots of walking)
• Clothes Pajamas
• Rod and Reel
• Snacks
• Flashlights
• Spending money for gift shop (optional)
• Bible & Pen
• Offering for camp missionaries
When: July 11-14, 2025
Where: Lakeview Baptist Assembly Lonestar, Texas
Cost: Total cost of camp is $200. We will be having a fundraiser that SHOULD cover the cost of camp or a large part of it depending on the number of students attending. Each camper will be responsible for the $25 deposit (Paid by NO LATER THAN APRIL 30) Along with camp registration and T-Shirt Form. After we get the total, we will let you know if any additional funds for camp will be due.
We will meet at the church at 7:45 A.M. July 11th and will return July 14th around 10:45 A.M. (We will call on the way home to let you know exactly when we will be arriving.)
Please have access to one of these forms of communication as plans can change at the last minute.
Cell service is spotty at Lakeview, and the girls will be very busy, so cell phones will only be permitted at certain times at camp to call home. If there is an emergency and you need to reach your child, please call Krystal Coleman (903) 570-7433, and she will get back to you as soon as possible. If you need IMMEDIATE assistance and Krystal does not respond, please call Lakeview directly at 903-656-3871.
Camp will be a little different this year as the R.A. Mission camp will be the same time, but the only time they will be together is at worship and the dining hall. Activities will all be separate. NO Sack lunch will be needed this year - the dining hall will be open.
• Twin sized bedding / sleeping bag & Pillow
• Towels for bathing and swimming
• Soap, Shampoo, Toothbrush, Toothpaste
• Sun Screen & Bug Spray
• Water Shoes
• Swimsuit
• Tennis Shoes (NOT sandles, lots of walking)
• Clothes Pajamas
• Rod and Reel
• Snacks
• Flashlights
• Spending money for gift shop (optional)
• Bible & Pen
• Offering for camp missionaries
https://pinestreetbaptist.com/event/23983352-2025-07-11-ga-camp-lakeview" target="_self" rel="noopener" aria-label="Share by E-Mail">E-Mail
Add to Calendar

Friday, July 11, 2025, 7:45am - Monday, July 14, 2025, 10:45am

R.A. Camp - Lakeview

Cost: $200.00

When: July 11-14, 2025

Where: Lakeview Baptist Assembly
Lonestar, Texas

Cost: Total cost of camp is $200. We will be having a fundraiser that SHOULD cover the cost of camp or a large part of it depending on the number of students attending. Each camper will ve responsible for the $25 deposit (Paid by NO LATER THAN APRIL 30) Along with camp registration and T-Shirt Form. After we get the total we will let you know is any additional funds for camp will be due.

We will meet at the church at 7:45 A.M. July 11th and will return July 14th around 10:45 A.M. (We will call on the way home to let you know exactly when we will be arriving.)

Please join the camp remind which is separate from the RA remind - Text @raca to 81010 We will be sending out reminders and new camp information through remind and our FB page PSBC Ambassadors. Please have access to one of these forms of communication as plans can change at the last minute.

Cell service is spotty at Lakeview and the boys will be very busy, so cell phones will only be permitted at certain times at camp to call home. If their is an emergency and you need to reach your child please call Jason McMillian 903-521-4293 and he will get back with you as soon as possible. If you need IMMEDIATE assistance and Jason does not respond please call Lakeview directly at 903-656-3871.

Camp will be a little different this year as the girls mission camp will be the same time, but the only time they will be together is at worship and the dinning hall. Activities will all be separate. NO Sack lunch will be needed this year - the dinning hall will be open.

• Twin sized bedding / Sleeping bag & Pillow
• Towels for bathing and Swimming
• Soap, Shampoo, Toothbrush, Toothpaste
• Sun Screen & Bug Spray
• Water Shoes
• Swimsuit
• Tennis Shoes (NOT sandles, lots of walking)
• Clothes Pajamas
• Rod and Reel
• Snacks
• Flashlights
• Spending money for gift shop (opional)
• Bible & Pen
• Offering for camp missionaries

Friday, July 11, 2025, 7:45am - Monday, July 14, 2025, 10:45am

G.A. Camp - Lakeview

Cost: $200.00

Camp registration and parent meeting April 9th!
When: July 11-14, 2025
Where: Lakeview Baptist Assembly Lonestar, Texas
Cost: Total cost of camp is $200. We will be having a fundraiser that SHOULD cover the cost of camp or a large part of it depending on the number of students attending. Each camper will be responsible for the $25 deposit (Paid by NO LATER THAN APRIL 30) Along with camp registration and T-Shirt Form. After we get the total, we will let you know if any additional funds for camp will be due.
We will meet at the church at 7:45 A.M. July 11th and will return July 14th around 10:45 A.M. (We will call on the way home to let you know exactly when we will be arriving.)
Please have access to one of these forms of communication as plans can change at the last minute.
Cell service is spotty at Lakeview, and the girls will be very busy, so cell phones will only be permitted at certain times at camp to call home. If there is an emergency and you need to reach your child, please call Krystal Coleman (903) 570-7433, and she will get back to you as soon as possible. If you need IMMEDIATE assistance and Krystal does not respond, please call Lakeview directly at 903-656-3871.
Camp will be a little different this year as the R.A. Mission camp will be the same time, but the only time they will be together is at worship and the dining hall. Activities will all be separate. NO Sack lunch will be needed this year - the dining hall will be open.
• Twin sized bedding / sleeping bag & Pillow
• Towels for bathing and swimming
• Soap, Shampoo, Toothbrush, Toothpaste
• Sun Screen & Bug Spray
• Water Shoes
• Swimsuit
• Tennis Shoes (NOT sandles, lots of walking)
• Clothes Pajamas
• Rod and Reel
• Snacks
• Flashlights
• Spending money for gift shop (optional)
• Bible & Pen
• Offering for camp missionaries
When: July 11-14, 2025
Where: Lakeview Baptist Assembly Lonestar, Texas
Cost: Total cost of camp is $200. We will be having a fundraiser that SHOULD cover the cost of camp or a large part of it depending on the number of students attending. Each camper will be responsible for the $25 deposit (Paid by NO LATER THAN APRIL 30) Along with camp registration and T-Shirt Form. After we get the total, we will let you know if any additional funds for camp will be due.
We will meet at the church at 7:45 A.M. July 11th and will return July 14th around 10:45 A.M. (We will call on the way home to let you know exactly when we will be arriving.)
Please have access to one of these forms of communication as plans can change at the last minute.
Cell service is spotty at Lakeview, and the girls will be very busy, so cell phones will only be permitted at certain times at camp to call home. If there is an emergency and you need to reach your child, please call Krystal Coleman (903) 570-7433, and she will get back to you as soon as possible. If you need IMMEDIATE assistance and Krystal does not respond, please call Lakeview directly at 903-656-3871.
Camp will be a little different this year as the R.A. Mission camp will be the same time, but the only time they will be together is at worship and the dining hall. Activities will all be separate. NO Sack lunch will be needed this year - the dining hall will be open.
• Twin sized bedding / sleeping bag & Pillow
• Towels for bathing and swimming
• Soap, Shampoo, Toothbrush, Toothpaste
• Sun Screen & Bug Spray
• Water Shoes
• Swimsuit
• Tennis Shoes (NOT sandles, lots of walking)
• Clothes Pajamas
• Rod and Reel
• Snacks
• Flashlights
• Spending money for gift shop (optional)
• Bible & Pen
• Offering for camp missionaries
https://pinestreetbaptist.com/event/23983352-2025-07-12-ga-camp-lakeview" target="_self" rel="noopener" aria-label="Share by E-Mail">E-Mail
Add to Calendar

Friday, July 11, 2025, 7:45am - Monday, July 14, 2025, 10:45am

R.A. Camp - Lakeview

Cost: $200.00

When: July 11-14, 2025

Where: Lakeview Baptist Assembly
Lonestar, Texas

Cost: Total cost of camp is $200. We will be having a fundraiser that SHOULD cover the cost of camp or a large part of it depending on the number of students attending. Each camper will ve responsible for the $25 deposit (Paid by NO LATER THAN APRIL 30) Along with camp registration and T-Shirt Form. After we get the total we will let you know is any additional funds for camp will be due.

We will meet at the church at 7:45 A.M. July 11th and will return July 14th around 10:45 A.M. (We will call on the way home to let you know exactly when we will be arriving.)

Please join the camp remind which is separate from the RA remind - Text @raca to 81010 We will be sending out reminders and new camp information through remind and our FB page PSBC Ambassadors. Please have access to one of these forms of communication as plans can change at the last minute.

Cell service is spotty at Lakeview and the boys will be very busy, so cell phones will only be permitted at certain times at camp to call home. If their is an emergency and you need to reach your child please call Jason McMillian 903-521-4293 and he will get back with you as soon as possible. If you need IMMEDIATE assistance and Jason does not respond please call Lakeview directly at 903-656-3871.

Camp will be a little different this year as the girls mission camp will be the same time, but the only time they will be together is at worship and the dinning hall. Activities will all be separate. NO Sack lunch will be needed this year - the dinning hall will be open.

• Twin sized bedding / Sleeping bag & Pillow
• Towels for bathing and Swimming
• Soap, Shampoo, Toothbrush, Toothpaste
• Sun Screen & Bug Spray
• Water Shoes
• Swimsuit
• Tennis Shoes (NOT sandles, lots of walking)
• Clothes Pajamas
• Rod and Reel
• Snacks
• Flashlights
• Spending money for gift shop (opional)
• Bible & Pen
• Offering for camp missionaries

Friday, July 11, 2025, 7:45am - Monday, July 14, 2025, 10:45am

G.A. Camp - Lakeview

Cost: $200.00

Camp registration and parent meeting April 9th!
When: July 11-14, 2025
Where: Lakeview Baptist Assembly Lonestar, Texas
Cost: Total cost of camp is $200. We will be having a fundraiser that SHOULD cover the cost of camp or a large part of it depending on the number of students attending. Each camper will be responsible for the $25 deposit (Paid by NO LATER THAN APRIL 30) Along with camp registration and T-Shirt Form. After we get the total, we will let you know if any additional funds for camp will be due.
We will meet at the church at 7:45 A.M. July 11th and will return July 14th around 10:45 A.M. (We will call on the way home to let you know exactly when we will be arriving.)
Please have access to one of these forms of communication as plans can change at the last minute.
Cell service is spotty at Lakeview, and the girls will be very busy, so cell phones will only be permitted at certain times at camp to call home. If there is an emergency and you need to reach your child, please call Krystal Coleman (903) 570-7433, and she will get back to you as soon as possible. If you need IMMEDIATE assistance and Krystal does not respond, please call Lakeview directly at 903-656-3871.
Camp will be a little different this year as the R.A. Mission camp will be the same time, but the only time they will be together is at worship and the dining hall. Activities will all be separate. NO Sack lunch will be needed this year - the dining hall will be open.
• Twin sized bedding / sleeping bag & Pillow
• Towels for bathing and swimming
• Soap, Shampoo, Toothbrush, Toothpaste
• Sun Screen & Bug Spray
• Water Shoes
• Swimsuit
• Tennis Shoes (NOT sandles, lots of walking)
• Clothes Pajamas
• Rod and Reel
• Snacks
• Flashlights
• Spending money for gift shop (optional)
• Bible & Pen
• Offering for camp missionaries
When: July 11-14, 2025
Where: Lakeview Baptist Assembly Lonestar, Texas
Cost: Total cost of camp is $200. We will be having a fundraiser that SHOULD cover the cost of camp or a large part of it depending on the number of students attending. Each camper will be responsible for the $25 deposit (Paid by NO LATER THAN APRIL 30) Along with camp registration and T-Shirt Form. After we get the total, we will let you know if any additional funds for camp will be due.
We will meet at the church at 7:45 A.M. July 11th and will return July 14th around 10:45 A.M. (We will call on the way home to let you know exactly when we will be arriving.)
Please have access to one of these forms of communication as plans can change at the last minute.
Cell service is spotty at Lakeview, and the girls will be very busy, so cell phones will only be permitted at certain times at camp to call home. If there is an emergency and you need to reach your child, please call Krystal Coleman (903) 570-7433, and she will get back to you as soon as possible. If you need IMMEDIATE assistance and Krystal does not respond, please call Lakeview directly at 903-656-3871.
Camp will be a little different this year as the R.A. Mission camp will be the same time, but the only time they will be together is at worship and the dining hall. Activities will all be separate. NO Sack lunch will be needed this year - the dining hall will be open.
• Twin sized bedding / sleeping bag & Pillow
• Towels for bathing and swimming
• Soap, Shampoo, Toothbrush, Toothpaste
• Sun Screen & Bug Spray
• Water Shoes
• Swimsuit
• Tennis Shoes (NOT sandles, lots of walking)
• Clothes Pajamas
• Rod and Reel
• Snacks
• Flashlights
• Spending money for gift shop (optional)
• Bible & Pen
• Offering for camp missionaries
https://pinestreetbaptist.com/event/23983352-2025-07-13-ga-camp-lakeview" target="_self" rel="noopener" aria-label="Share by E-Mail">E-Mail
Add to Calendar

Monday, July 14

R.A. Camp - Lakeview

Time: 7:45am – 10:45am

Cost: $200.00

When: July 11-14, 2025

Where: Lakeview Baptist Assembly
Lonestar, Texas

Cost: Total cost of camp is $200. We will be having a fundraiser that SHOULD cover the cost of camp or a large part of it depending on the number of students attending. Each camper will ve responsible for the $25 deposit (Paid by NO LATER THAN APRIL 30) Along with camp registration and T-Shirt Form. After we get the total we will let you know is any additional funds for camp will be due.

We will meet at the church at 7:45 A.M. July 11th and will return July 14th around 10:45 A.M. (We will call on the way home to let you know exactly when we will be arriving.)

Please join the camp remind which is separate from the RA remind - Text @raca to 81010 We will be sending out reminders and new camp information through remind and our FB page PSBC Ambassadors. Please have access to one of these forms of communication as plans can change at the last minute.

Cell service is spotty at Lakeview and the boys will be very busy, so cell phones will only be permitted at certain times at camp to call home. If their is an emergency and you need to reach your child please call Jason McMillian 903-521-4293 and he will get back with you as soon as possible. If you need IMMEDIATE assistance and Jason does not respond please call Lakeview directly at 903-656-3871.

Camp will be a little different this year as the girls mission camp will be the same time, but the only time they will be together is at worship and the dinning hall. Activities will all be separate. NO Sack lunch will be needed this year - the dinning hall will be open.

• Twin sized bedding / Sleeping bag & Pillow
• Towels for bathing and Swimming
• Soap, Shampoo, Toothbrush, Toothpaste
• Sun Screen & Bug Spray
• Water Shoes
• Swimsuit
• Tennis Shoes (NOT sandles, lots of walking)
• Clothes Pajamas
• Rod and Reel
• Snacks
• Flashlights
• Spending money for gift shop (opional)
• Bible & Pen
• Offering for camp missionaries

Monday, July 14

G.A. Camp - Lakeview

Time: 7:45am – 10:45am

Cost: $200.00

Camp registration and parent meeting April 9th!
When: July 11-14, 2025
Where: Lakeview Baptist Assembly Lonestar, Texas
Cost: Total cost of camp is $200. We will be having a fundraiser that SHOULD cover the cost of camp or a large part of it depending on the number of students attending. Each camper will be responsible for the $25 deposit (Paid by NO LATER THAN APRIL 30) Along with camp registration and T-Shirt Form. After we get the total, we will let you know if any additional funds for camp will be due.
We will meet at the church at 7:45 A.M. July 11th and will return July 14th around 10:45 A.M. (We will call on the way home to let you know exactly when we will be arriving.)
Please have access to one of these forms of communication as plans can change at the last minute.
Cell service is spotty at Lakeview, and the girls will be very busy, so cell phones will only be permitted at certain times at camp to call home. If there is an emergency and you need to reach your child, please call Krystal Coleman (903) 570-7433, and she will get back to you as soon as possible. If you need IMMEDIATE assistance and Krystal does not respond, please call Lakeview directly at 903-656-3871.
Camp will be a little different this year as the R.A. Mission camp will be the same time, but the only time they will be together is at worship and the dining hall. Activities will all be separate. NO Sack lunch will be needed this year - the dining hall will be open.
• Twin sized bedding / sleeping bag & Pillow
• Towels for bathing and swimming
• Soap, Shampoo, Toothbrush, Toothpaste
• Sun Screen & Bug Spray
• Water Shoes
• Swimsuit
• Tennis Shoes (NOT sandles, lots of walking)
• Clothes Pajamas
• Rod and Reel
• Snacks
• Flashlights
• Spending money for gift shop (optional)
• Bible & Pen
• Offering for camp missionaries
When: July 11-14, 2025
Where: Lakeview Baptist Assembly Lonestar, Texas
Cost: Total cost of camp is $200. We will be having a fundraiser that SHOULD cover the cost of camp or a large part of it depending on the number of students attending. Each camper will be responsible for the $25 deposit (Paid by NO LATER THAN APRIL 30) Along with camp registration and T-Shirt Form. After we get the total, we will let you know if any additional funds for camp will be due.
We will meet at the church at 7:45 A.M. July 11th and will return July 14th around 10:45 A.M. (We will call on the way home to let you know exactly when we will be arriving.)
Please have access to one of these forms of communication as plans can change at the last minute.
Cell service is spotty at Lakeview, and the girls will be very busy, so cell phones will only be permitted at certain times at camp to call home. If there is an emergency and you need to reach your child, please call Krystal Coleman (903) 570-7433, and she will get back to you as soon as possible. If you need IMMEDIATE assistance and Krystal does not respond, please call Lakeview directly at 903-656-3871.
Camp will be a little different this year as the R.A. Mission camp will be the same time, but the only time they will be together is at worship and the dining hall. Activities will all be separate. NO Sack lunch will be needed this year - the dining hall will be open.
• Twin sized bedding / sleeping bag & Pillow
• Towels for bathing and swimming
• Soap, Shampoo, Toothbrush, Toothpaste
• Sun Screen & Bug Spray
• Water Shoes
• Swimsuit
• Tennis Shoes (NOT sandles, lots of walking)
• Clothes Pajamas
• Rod and Reel
• Snacks
• Flashlights
• Spending money for gift shop (optional)
• Bible & Pen
• Offering for camp missionaries
https://pinestreetbaptist.com/event/23983352-2025-07-14-ga-camp-lakeview" target="_self" rel="noopener" aria-label="Share by E-Mail">E-Mail
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July 2025

March 2025»
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