Reaching our community is very important to us at PSBC. From our in-house events to getting outside the four walls of our church, to reach our community; we provide numerous ways to get involved throughout the year and even on a weekly basis.
One of those ways is through our
Winnsboro Backpack Ministry
Our mission is to provide basic resources that help meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of kids in
our community.
The backpack ministry has been a part of our community for quite some time. Its origin, as it is understood, was started here by Candace Crow around 2006 as an outreach of FBC Winnsboro through the Winnsboro Community Resource Center and changed hands a few times. In about 2009, the torch or leadership was passed to Heather and Ariel Lopez. The Lopez Family was instrumental in in increased community involvement, counselor/teacher awareness, and provision for the children. In August of 2023, the torch was once again passed to us. During our first year of service the ministry went through a transition from the WCRC being the financial overseer to that of Pine Street Baptist Church taking on that role. In addition, PSBC has also allowed the ministry to warehouse the food and provided space for the weekly food bag assembly. We also implemented the use of a QR code that was linked to the registration forms for the High School to provide a more discrete registration for that age group.
For 2023 – 2024:
Food Bags - On a weekly basis, which began in Mid-September, about 118 bags were distributed among the 4 WISD Campuses.
Clothing - In November 2023 the ministry, through child adoption and monetary donations, was able to provide a new set of clothes, shoes, and coats to 144 kids in our community, those receiving the bags and their siblings.
Registration – At the beginning of the school year, the counselors at each campus are provided registration forms to those students they consider to be eligible for the program. The information provided remains confidential but provides all the information needed to help the ministry asses the needs, list the parent contact data, list any allergens, and clothing/shoe sizes for the student and siblings.
Food Bags – On a weekly basis the food bags are prepared and assembled by a group of volunteers and distributed to the campuses by the Beta Club, who receive service hours for the work. The food is purchased with the monetary donations from the most low-cost vendor available, such as Sam’s Club and other wholesale vendors. We also provide small gifts with Spiritual Emphasis during the weeks for Christmas and Easter.
Clothing – On an annual basis the ministry seeks to provide a new set of winter clothing, shoes, and a coat to those kids registered and their siblings.
Special Needs – We also seek to help those that contact us on an individual basis for items like school supplies and additional food resources.
Expanding our reach into the High School.
Monetary Donations to fund the weekly provision of food bags.
Volunteers to pack Bags on Tuesdays.
Families, Individuals, and Businesses to sponsor a child.